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This page is to give resources for different areas I am involved in including...

General help on college-level scholarships. Applying to graduate school and scholarships can be overwhelming. Here I describe how to use the scholarship cheat sheet I created. This cheat sheet can be used as a reference when filling out multiple scholarships to prevent burnout and lost information. I also give general tricks and tips. I offer workshops on scholarships and college application at a sliding scale price, please click on the contact tab for inquires. I need a 2 weeks' notice to be booked. My workshops offer one on one help with applications. 

This page is the product of the 2020 inaugural Arizona State University (ASU) Leanardo Imagination Fellowship. The fellowship picked three artists from a pool of 249 people representing 75 countries. I displayed ideas about TEK through beaded puzzle pieces of different pieces of knowledge and then had indiginous experts in those areas talk about their connection to TEK and what it means to them. This was a 10-week project with over 50 hours of beadwork and over 100 hours of work overall to give a visual, virtual, and verbal representation of why TEK should be more valued in western academia and in the policy.


"Traditional Ecological Knowledge, also called by other names including Indigenous Knowledge or Native Science, (hereafter, TEK) refers to the evolving knowledge acquired by indigenous and local peoples over hundreds or thousands of years through direct contact with the environment. This knowledge is specific to a location and includes the relationships between plants, animals, natural phenomena, landscapes and timing of events that are used for lifeways, including but not limited to hunting, fishing, trapping, agriculture, and forestry. TEK is an accumulating body of knowledge, practice, and belief, evolving by adaptive processes and handed down through generations by cultural transmission, about the relationship of living beings (human and non-human) with one another and with the environment. It encompasses the world view of indigenous people which includes ecology, spirituality, human and animal relationships, and more."

- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

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