Lists of books inspired by those who want to continue to educate themselves about Water, Traditional Knowlege, Native American History, and the intersection of such.

Gender Studies
From Native and US perspectives. The intersection of Indigeneity with feminism and gender politics.

Native Childrens Books
Books are written by and/or for Natives with tots and kids in mind.

Water Issues
Books that are esstienal in understanding the United States relationship with water, espically in Claifornia and with salmon.

Higher Education
The intersection of Indigenous research methods within western academia.

General Race Studies Books
Books I and friends found useful when learning about race and ethnicity from a wider lens than just Native studies but still applicable.

Traditional Ecological Knowlege
AKA TEK, from Indeginous view points.

West Coast Natvie Studies
Histories of Natives in California and Oregon.